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To be able to learn the level 3+ spells you will need to finish a disciple quest for the princess:
You say, "I want to become a disciple."
Priestess Zuxana tells you, "You wish to be surrounded by the ineffable embrace of our patron Mistress. Your judgement is keen but what of your loyalty?
To prove this to me you must invoke Mistress Qor to "a NPC goes here", thus: In darkness all shall be bound. Our Mistress would walk among men in the comfort of a lightless sky and a bloody moon."
Now move to the mentioned NPC.
You say, "In darkness all shall be bound. Our Mistress would walk among men in the comfort of a lightless sky and a bloody moon."
Return to the priestess.
You say, "Hello."
Priestess Zuxana tells you, "You have fulfilled my wishes. You are not only wise but tenacious. Seek me out when you would learn more of Qor's spells of power."

Taught primarily by Priestess Zuxana in the Qor Temple near Ukgoth.

The school of dark sorcery. It is said that Qor is the school of the Murderer with skills like: Silence, Darkness, Detect Good, paralyze, acid touch, blind and invisibility. A grand arsenal when choosing victims or player vs player.

Level 1: 500sh each | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]
Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
SpellDetectGood.gif (17856 bytes)
1 Vial of Solagh Cast this if you want to see the names of good karma players blink black. Allows you to see the disgustingly pure of heart.
2 elderberries   Qor shrouds your astral body in shifting shadows, allowing you to elude magical tracking.

1 fairy wing
1 elderberry
Makes it virtually impossibly dark especially at night. Draws a curtain of darkness over a room, making it more amenable to followers of the Vile One.

1 fairy wing Dark energy from Qor sears your target. More effective on good targets. Direct Unholy Damage from short range that does increased damage on Positve Karma Targets. 4 Mana and 1 Vigor

Bone Priestess zax'Avarya is on the Island. Travel North Past the notch in the Jungle Until you reach the Jungle cliffs. Head Mid East to the Cliffs.
Continue Eastward to The Chasm. Head East Until you meet the bone priestess in her lair.

[ Level 1 |
Level 2: 1000sh each | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description

2 browns The Strongest Touch Attack Spell. Can now be countered by resist acid, resist magic and magic shield.
5-40 damage
Burns the target with the force of a powerful acid, penetrating armor, clothing, and flesh.

Joguer 1 dark angel feather A nice way to become invisble, but you can neither run nor fight. The powers of Qor descend to cause your form to shimmer.

2 entroot berries Increases caster's attack damage. Your body is possessed by the spirit of the warrior Kara'hol for a brief period, enhancing the ferocity of your attacks. When the spirit departs, your body is temporarily paralyzed from shock.

5 fairy wings Improves a weapon's damage against positive karma players/monsters and extends its life. Dedicates your weapon to Qor, enhancing its effectiveness against the holy.

Joguer is located in North Barloque at his herb shop.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 |
Level 3: 2000sh each | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Where to Buy Description

Mana Only Cast on dead positive karma players to temporarily increase your mana. In this darkest of rituals, the very spirit of Qor is summoned to defile the corpse of a good player, transforming flesh and blood into magical energy for the caster.

1 fairy wing Decrease the might of the target by 10-25 points depending upon spell percentage. Drains physical strength from the target. The effect lasts a few minutes.
SpellPoisonFog.gif (12591 bytes)
Poison Fog
1 shaman blood
This will annoy a lot of people who don't like getting poisoned. It is likely that annoying PKers will cast it all over. Poison Fog Creates a pungent cloud of poisonous fog.

2 fairy wings Muffles all speech preventing spell casting and communication. Makes another player unable to use magical abilities.

1 fairy wing Reduces damage from positive karma attacks. Summons the vile force of Qor to protect the user from good for several minutes.

Maleval 2 fairy wings Transfers target's hitpoints to caster. Holy Resolve and Resist Magic are good defenses against it though. Draws out the very life force of the target and converts the energy into life for the caster.

Miriana is located at: The Hills, Off the beaten Path, The Twisted Wood, and North Quilicia Wood.

Maleval rotates between the following locations: Frisconar's Shop in Tos, "The Chambers of Duke Akardius" are also home to Maleval which are in "Blackstone Keep." It can be accessed via "The Courtyard of Blackstone Keep" from the Streets of Tos. Maleval can also be found in Marion, and he can also be found in The Temple of Qor.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Level 4: 4000sh each | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
SpellAnimate.gif (10276 bytes)
Maleval 1 blood of a shaman Create a zombie of a dead player. This spell has been used to create tons zombies by giving a red mule a justice weapon (when they try to equip it, they die). Animates the corpse of another human, that they may do your bidding.
SpellCurseWeapon.gif (10694 bytes)
Curse Weapon
Maleval 1 shaman blood Curses weapons. Makes the target weapon nearly ineffective for a time, and curses the user to wield it until he or she gains divine aid.
SpellHold.gif (4616 bytes)
2 purples This spell now takes more mana and vigor to cast in Revelation. It makes both a warrior and a mage totally vulnerable to attack. If you keep casting it on them then they are forced to log or die (assuming your attack is strong enough to do so). The spell normally lasts more than three seconds or more if the target is not wearing plate.

Ask a friend to cast this on the Yeti or Ghost for you to get experience.
Surrounds the target with magical energy, causing paralysis for several seconds.
srift.png (4616 bytes)Shadow
Maleval 4 dark angel feathers Summons the darkest of magics to warp the fabric of space. Forms a magical bond between a prism and the area in which it is cast. Subsequent castings with the same prism cause a mystical portal to form which will transport all who enter it to the exact spot to which the prism was bound.
Creates a one-way portal that teleports players to another room. Someone must remain onscreen for the portal to remain open. Can't be cast in guild halls or boss lairs (ex: Forsaken/Thrasher's, Orc Pit Boss Lair, Throne Room/Far'Nohl) Creatures can't go through the portal. Sometimes used to return to Brax if there is no one to pull the switches and a Faren mage (to cast lightning wall) is not present.
SpellShalilleBane.gif (5565 bytes)
Bone Priestess
1 yrxl sap
1 fairy wing
Permeates an area with the unholy essence of Qor, harming any who attempt to call on the holy energy of Shal'ille. Hurts any mage trying to cast a Shal'ille spell on the map.

Splash of Acid
2 entroot berry Splashes Qor's unholy corrosive acid on a target at short range. Qor Melee Range Mid Grade Acid Magic Attack

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 |
Level 5: 8000sh each | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description

Yevitan 2 entroot berries
1 purple mushroom
Totally blinds the target (both map and visual). The magical force of Qor burns the target's eyes, taking away all sight for a brief period.
SpellBloodInheritance.gif (12915 bytes)
Blood Inheritance
Wulfgang zax'Ak 2 entroot berries
1 orc tooth
2 shaman blood
Breaks the connection to a Sword of the Hunt or Amulet of three.   (Maybe Riija Sword too) Breaks the supernatural bond between an item and its owner.
SpellDeathLink.gif (5557 bytes)
Death Link
Maleval 1 shamanblood
1 polished seraphym
An easier way to get extra mana. Cast it where people hunt a lot. This dark spell feeds off the souls of any poor creature that should happen to fall in your vicinity.

1 dark angel feather This is better than Fade in that you can fight and run with it cast and you don't even appear on the map. A good Kraanan mage can counter it by casting Detect Invisible. Qor cloaks your body with a shimmering field leaving you invisible for a brief period.

3 entroot berry
3 fairy wing
1 entroot berry
Not a useful spell at all. You get a temporary burst of mana and health, but loses all of your mana nodes. You tap all of your mana nodes to the maximum, giving you an instant burst of mana and health, but destroying all of your nodelinks.

1 dark angel feather

1 Purple Mushroom

1 Yrxl Sap
Risky to cast if you are carrying something valuable -- it randomly swaps one of your items with that of your target. Randomly exchanges one item from your inventory with one from the target's.

Wulfgang zax'Ak is located at: The Remote Trading Post of Wulfgang zax'Ak on The Island.

Yevitan resides at the local bank of Jasper.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 |
Level 6: 16000sh each ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
SpellGazeOfBasilisk.gif (13404 bytes)
Gaze of the Basilisk
Maleval 1 yrxl sap
1 purple mushroom
Only lasts as long as your concentration lasts. Turns the target of the spell to stone, so long as you have the concentration to keep them that way.

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