Gita's Guide to Meridian 59 - Server 105 Edition - 2023

Gita M59 Guide Gita M59 Guide Gita M59 Guide

Masters of the Gita M59 Guide Dynasty

  1. Growing Your Character and Basic Tips
  2. Spells and Weapon Craft Overview
  3. Health Point Guide and Monster HP
  4. Items Overview
  5. Reagants
  6. Bank General info and commands
  7. Non Player Characters or N.p.c. information
  8. Loging Off
  9. Death in Meridian 59
  10. Definitive State Guide
  11. Might
  12. Intelligence
  13. Stamina
  14. Agility
  15. Mystacism
  16. Aim
  17. Stat Items and Karma
  18. Suggested Builds
  19. Character Planner
  20. School Milestones: The reason players get certain schools.
  21. Character Creation: Now where do i go?
  22. Tricks to improving spells
  23. Building Schools
  24. Maps
  25. Nodes
  26. So you want to Be a player killer?
  27. Player Killer Schools
  28. Player Killer Killers
  29. Factions
  30. Token Information for Factions
  31. Links
Growing your Character to explore the vast Meridian 59 world, including the lost island of Ko'catan, you will need to build up your character's HP, acquire combat skills, and probably master a magic school or two as well.

Gita M59 Guide

*Disclaimer: THIS information is a compendium of my personal knowledge, gilroys meridian 59 reference, and users: ArkBlade and Ransom. This document is no way intended to plagairze or copy the contents of others. Its aim is to provide a thorough understanding to the new player to give them the best experience possible. If you feel you need to be credited for this work, please contact me. Thank You.

Some basic tips:

Health : Red bar denoted by red cross symbol.
Mana: Blue bar denoted by holy "Ankh" symbol.
Vigor: Yellow bar denoted by lightning bolt symbol.
Experience: Grey Bar is your experience needed until you gain another health point or HP

Gita M59 Guide

Most of Faren, Shal'ille and Qor spells are based on Mysticism.

Most Riija and Jala abilities are based on Intellect.

Select a magic school to pursue (Shali'lle, Qor, Kranaan, Faren, Jala, or Riija.)

How far will you progress in the levels of Weapon Craft?


Your spells will improve with practice and fighting tougher monsters.

Each god has a different personality and his or her magic has different focus.

It's best to focus on only one school until you have fully mastered it.

Build up your WeaponCraft skills such as: Slash, Archery, Mace Fighting, or Scimitar Wielding by fighting monsters.

Rook in Cor Noth teaches most of the skills.

Jonas in the town of Jasper teaches: level 1 Block Skill.

Quintor, the the weaponsmith, also in the town of Jasper, teaches Scimitar wielding after undertaking his quest.

The island is home to the HAll of Heroes displaying the statues of the legends of Meridian and in this western hallway resides Khotal ko'Tulca who will teach you Archery and Fire if you are high enough level.

Gita M59 Guide

Build up your HP by fighting monsters of the appropriate level.

Health Points (HP) Guide:

You will only obtain more healthpoints by killing monsters that are worthy of your current health points. If you have healthpoints over the healthpoint of a certain monster, you will no longer earn experience worthy of improvement. Example: if you have 42 HP and you keep killing spectral mummies, you will no longer continue to gain a worthy amount of experience. You should try and kill and Orc or a Spider because they have an hp limit that will grant an experience level that is worthy of your time.

Monster and their respective hp:

Format: Monster HP Limit

Baby Spider 25 Mummy 25 Shadow Mummy 25 Centipede 30 Giant Rat 30 Groundworm Larva 35 Ant 40 Slime 40 Spectral Mummy 40 Fungus Beast 50 Living Tree 50 Orc 50 Spider 50 Zombie 55 Battered Skeleton 60 Fey Dirhai 60 Fey Elhai 60 Giant Scorpion 65 Snow Rat 65 Frogman 70 Living Statue 75 Mutant Ant 75 Skeleton 75 Black Spider 80 Cave Orc 80 Orc Wizard 80 Groundworm 90 Troll 90 Orc Pit Boss 100 Lupogg 105 Kyip-Kyip-Kreeet Avar Shaman 110 Peet-Seeeep Avar Shaman 110 Queen Spider 110 Tusked Skeleton 110 Chyup-Tewee Faction Warrior 120 Dragonfly 120 Dusk Rat 120 Guardian of Zjiria 120 Kyip-Kyip-Kreeet Avar Warrior 120 Peet-Seeeep Avar Warrior 120 Stone Troll 120 Narthyl Worm 125 Avar Leader of the Bone Faction 130 Daemon Skeleton 130 Groundworm Queen 130 Kyip-Kyip-Kreeet Avar Chieftain 140 Peet-Seeeep Avar Chieftain 140 Dragonfly Queen 145 Dark Angel 150 Ghost 150 Kriipa 150 Lupogg King 150 Ma'xeochicatl 150 Mollusk Creature 150 Queen Venya'cyr 150 Ro'xeochicatl 150 Shadowbeast 150 Te'xeochicatl 150 Thrasher 150 Ve'xeochicatl 150 Yeti 150 Ghost of Far'Nohl 200

Gita M59 Guide

Collect objects, sell them to shopkeepers, put money in the bank, and store spare armor and weapons in the vault.

Gita M59 Guide

You lose everything you are carrying when you die but you can always go back to the bank and make a withdrawal.
Gita M59 Guide


Talk to everyone, including non-player characters (NPCs).
Gita M59 Guide

The key to enjoying Meridian and to being successful is meeting friends and allies. NPCs may send you on quests, and they will reward you if you complete them.

When you exit the game, your character is stored and will appear exactly as you left it when you return. To avoid a penalty, you should always log-off from an Inn or an Adventure hall. There are one of each in every town.
Gita M59 Guide

Whether at the hands of a monster or a former friend -- death in Meridian does have its nasty consequences:


If you see this area, you have died and you are now in the underworld. You will need to return to meridian via one of the purple portals. You can right click this portal to see where it will teleport you before you walk your character through it that way you can return to the closest position to where you died. You can actually teleport directly to your corpse if you are familiar with the underworld node. To use the underworld node, you must light the torches in the underworld in front of each portal in a certain sequence. Here is the link to the underworld node calculator. If you walk through the underworld node after lighting the torch sequence fast enough you will return to where you died without having to travel there, but it can be quite tedious if not more tedious to travel through the unode. Here is the link to the underworld node torch light sequence tool: Underworld Node.

All the items that were in your inventory will be left behind with your corpse, where any passing friend or foe can recover them. (It's a good idea to keep most of your money in a bank and to leave some spare weapons and armor in the storage vault.)

Some guilds also have storage chests for their members, or you can rent a room in Marion or Barloque and add a chest to it. Anything stored in a bank account, vault, or chest will still be there when you return from the Underworld.

If you are traveling with friends, they may salvage some of your belongings. If they're very good friends indeed, they may even give them back to you when you return...

You will lose a point of health and find some of your spell and skill percentages slightly reduced as a result of your traumatic experience. Mana and vigor will also be depleted but can be recharged by resting and/or eating.

The Return Portals, the transit gates between the Underworld and Meridian 59, rotate between different towns. Right-click a portal to find out where it leads.


The Definitive Stat Guide: Might, Intelligence, Stamina, Agility, Mysticism, Aim


Might affects how much you can carry and the damage you inflict and it determines the carrying capacity. Determines base damage and the bonus damage done with melee weapons.


With a high intellect, you can learn more spells and skills faster than others. The more intelligence you have, the more levels of schools you can obtain and learn. Each school has 6 Levels that it can learn. If your intelligence only permits you to learn 10 levels, then you would only be able to learn that many levels of magic regardless of the school. You get a bonus to improve with more intellect. Jala and Riija require a higher intelligence for a succesful cast to occur. Succesful imrpovements with skills or spells are more frequent.

The Following Picture Explains The relationship between a characters intelligence and the amount of levels of schools they are able to learn.

Intelligence to School level Ratio



Stamina helps you weather the rough times when you are hurt and tired and it is used for Kraanan spells.The maximum amount of health points you can have his dictated by your stamina is simply expressed as 100 + (stamina) = Max HP amount. A higher Stamina aslo allows you to gain hp faster and determines the rate at which hp and vigor regenerate. Softcap for Kraanan spells is stamind x2. So if you have 40 stamin, your kraanan soft cap for improves will be 80%.


Agility determines how much of an agile fighter you are. An agile fighter dodges their opponent's attacks and is more skilled in certain skills like dodge and scimitar wielding. This is you Defensive Statistic and the soft cap for dodge, parry,block, and scimitar wielding. Agility gives you x4 Defense points which is visible in the ogre client.


Mysticism is important for gaining and restoring your magical energy. Used for Faren, Shal'ille, and Qor magics specifically. The rate at which you regenerate mana, and the amount of mana you can have is dictated by this ability. Man is earned by tuning to Nodes in meridian. A Respective Node/MYST CHART has been provided. Soft Caps and spell power for faren, qor and Shal.

Gita M59 Guide



Aim guides an attack to its target and is used with ranged weapons and gives a slight damage bonus to bow. You'll hit more often with the Aim skill. It is also used for some weapons skills (notably Short Sword Fighting and Fencing.) It determines how fast you hit also. Aim is your offensive statistic for weaponcraft which is visible in the ogre client and is also the soft cap for short sword fighting, fencing, fire and archery. Each point in aim gives you x4 offensive points.


YOU ARE STUCK WITH THE STATS YOU MAKE, but there are some special items that alter your stats like a rose. When you obtain a rose you can drop it temporarily at a memorial tree in Marion and it will give you +5 Mysticism for a few hours.

After joining a faction you can do the soldier quest and if you kill other faction soldiers or players or npcs you get +5 primary stat and +3 secondary stat from your faction Shield.

There are some quests at temples that give you +5 to int or wisdom or stamina based on the school's primary stat.

God's Gifts: Necklaces that give Stats that are given out to event winners.


Karma is determined by your actions. If you take the life of beings with good Karma, Centipedes for example, your Karma will turn negative. Killing another player will always give you negative Karma. Killing evil beings, such as Baby Spiders, will raise your Karma rating. Some spell schools are accessible only to those with good or evil Karma, so think before you strike! QOR needs negative karma and Shal needs positive karma.


Suggested Builds: Might. Intelligence, Stamina, Agility, Mysticism, Aim

The following are common builds that are proven in PvE and/or PvP. Explanations where needed. All stats are in order of the selection screen - Might-Int-Stamina-Agility-Myst-Aim.

�Three School bower� Schools: 5WC / 5 Kraanan / 5 Qor Stats: 40-20-50-30-45-15 Description: blind, invis, bow with the versatility to hold and splash of acid. The essential PvPer.

Schools: 5WC / 6 Kraanan / 5 Shal�ille Stats: 40-25-50-30-40-15 Descripton: purge, dazzle, bow, rescue and anti-magic aura. A PvE and PvP specialist.

�Pure Fighter� Schools: 6WC / 6 Kraanan Stats: 50-10-50-50-5-35 Description: focus on weapons, bow and Kraanan buffs, anti-magic aura to level the playing field.

�Four Schooler� Schools: 5WC / 5 Kraanan / 5 Qor / 6 Riija Stats: 40-45-45-15-45-10 Description: a qor with mobility, morph, and additional offense and defense (and teleport in elusion.)

Schools: 5WC / 5 Kraanan / 5 Shal�ille / 4 Riija Stats: 40-40-50-15-40-15 Description: Adds dement, illusionary firewall, reflections and illusionary form to a potent shal bower

Schools: 5WC / 5 Kraanan / 5 Shal�ille / 6 Riija Stats: 40-50-45-15-40-10 Description: same as above, but with morph and elusion (teleport.)

Schools: 5WC / 5 Kraanan / 5 Shal�ille (or Qor) / 5 Faren Stats: 40-40-45-15-45-15 Description: qor or shal bower with Faren options for versatility (walls and blast spells.)

�Pure Mage� Schools: 2WC / 5 Kraanan / 5 Shal�ille (or Qor) / 5 Faren / 6 Jala Stats: 40-50-50-9-50-1 Description: focusing on magic, with faren damage. Jala songs and mana crystal for support

Schools: 2WC / 5 Kraanan / 5 Qor / 5 Faren / 6 Riija Stats: 40-50-50-9-50-1 Description: focusing on magic, with faren damage. Riija for additional versatility and defense

A quick summary of the above: If a character is Qor or Faren, I suggest a 45 myst or higher. For Shal, 40 is typically doable. Aim is obviously the most sacrificed stat, and that is because there are many buffs, Jonas faction and equipment that give offensive boosts. Far fewer give defense (agility).

Like I said before, there are so many options to choose from, but the above will get a new player started and complete with a solid character. As you learn the play style you like, you�ll be able to adjust your characters in the future.


Plan your Character with the Meridian 59 Character PLanner:

Now that you understand stats go ahead and build your character: Meridian 59 Character Planner

A new web browser will open up so you can remain on this website. Use the character planner to see how many LEVELs your intelligence will provide your character.

Milestone School Levels

For schools, there are certain clear levels to stop at for each school. Use these milestones to help plan your school choices.

Riija - 3, 4, 6 Level three - reflections, illusionary form Level four - dement Level six - elusion

Shal�ille - 4, 5 Level four - dazzle Level five - purge

Kraanan - 4, 5, 6 Level four - Eagle eyes, discord, dispel illusion Level five - armor of gort, resist magic, killing fields Level six - anti-magic aura

Qor - 5 Level five - blind

Faren - 4, 5, 6 Level four - fireball, firewall, blast spells Level five - earthquake, lightning bolt Level six - sporeburst (requires Qor 5)

Jala - 2, 3, 6 Level two - conciliation Level three - spellbane, distill Level six - mana crystal

WC - 2, 4, 5 Level two - dodge (and block in level 1) Level four - parry, fencing, fire Level five - archery

There are other useful spells in each of these schools, but the above spells are truly reasons to get to a certain level.


Creating your character:

In each character build, I would start off just buying first level Weaponcraft skills. You will be forced to focus on one level at a time this way.

Raza Pretty simple and straight forward here, get your skills up and hit points to 25. Once you get 25 hit points then you should go through the purple portal and head into the "real" world of Meridian 59. In my opinion, you can work your skills here for a while. You will still get skill and spell improvements by practicing your abilities even if you do not get hp. Get your level 1 Skills at least to 25%-40% or higher before leaving.

26-30 hit points Anywhere there are rats, centepedes, and/or baby spiders will be advantageous for skill percentages and hit points but The Main gates of Tos is the most commonly used screen to do this. There are a plentiful supply of bugs and rodents to kill here and soon you will want to move on and step it up a bit. Pick up all the reagents that drop off these creatures and sell them to Frisconar in Tos. If there are other characters fighting here, do not kill steal their monsters or loot their kills.

Notes: It is not a good idea to broadcast anything at this stage of building. No sense in directly or indirectly making another player's hate/dislike list or even KOS in certain situations. It's best just to do things for yourself at this time and ask for help later when you really need it.

31-35 hit points At this stage, you will likely receive the best results from fighting spectral mummies in the Marion Crypt. Keep all orc teeth you find and entroot berries for Qor and Shal'ille. Sell your reagents to Morrigan in Marion and weapons to Colhorr. During this time you will likely have enough skill percentages to buy second level Weaponcraft, if you do, go ahead and buy them.

36-40 hit points You can still fight spectral mummies in the Marion Crypt at this point but I like to mix it up and fight slimes and fungus beasts near Barloque. If you go this route, you will find that the loot is much better and your skills may improve a bit faster. Be careful out in the open though, player killers frequent these areas in the off hours when no hunters are around. Once you reach 40 hit points you will want to join the Jonas faction. He will ask you for a weapon or piece of armor, if you do not have the item, broadcast that you would like to buy the said item but do not pester everyone with spam. If you do not get the item right away, be patient and eventually someone will help you out.

41-45 hit points You should be able to buy second level Weaponcraft now if you haven't already. If you haven't, go ahead and buy it and continue to fight fungus beasts, slimes, and groundworm larvas. I would save all the sapphires and red mushrooms you get so you can save a little money when doing Kraanan. Sell everything else you find. Once you get to 45 hit points, you'll want to step it up a bit and go with tougher creatures.

46-70 hit points This is the stage you will more than likely make a sizeable amount of cash so keeping reagents might not be in your best interest. Fighting in the Tos Graveyard and Castle Victoria will put you face to face with zombies and skeletons. I would keep all purple mushrooms and blue dragon scales you find and sell the rest. Your skills will go up quite nicely during this time and you will likely be able to buy 3rd level Weaponcraft in a short period. I would keep plugging away on first and second level until the skills are in the high 70%s or better.

71-85 hit points You may or may not have bought 3rd level Weaponctaft by this point but if you haven't, it would be a good idea to do so now. You will need to buy a good supply of nerudite swords or mystic swords for this stage. Fighting trolls is the best way to get fencing up to a respectable percentage. If you are doing Qor later, trolls occasionaly drop dark angel feathers so keep those. Trolls also drop vampiric wands, healing wands, and relics of qor. You may want to stash a few of these away for later uses.


86-100 hit points Your best bet for skill improves and toughers will be inside the Throne Room and Castle Victoria. Here you will want to get axe and hammer wielding as high as possible. Do not buy fourth level yet because you will be starting Kraanan before you finish Weaponcraft. Once you reach 100 hit points, you will want to start Kraanan so keep a good supply of inky cap mushrooms on hand.

Notes: If you haven't bonded with any mana nodes by now, you will want to do so. Get all the basic nodes and then move on to buy first level Kraanan.

Kraanan First level is fairly easy, buy Create Food, Create Weapon and Glow. Get each of these spells to around 80% and then buy second level. Buy Bless, Enchant Weapon, and Super Strength (you may need to buy orc teeth or have someone let you in the caves to farm your own). Get these spells to around 80% and then do the disciple quest in order to buy 3rd level Kraanan.

Buy all 3rd level spells (Detect Invisibility if you can get to the Island, Free Action, Magic Shield, Martyr's, Night Vision, and Shroud). You won't need to improve all these spells but I would get Free Action, Magic Shield, and Martyr's Battleground to around 80% and buy fourth level.

Buy all 4th level spells, again, you will not need to improve all of them but I would get Mend, Discordance, and Eagle Eyes to around 80%. You may also want to get Deflect up in percentages as well as Mana Bomb. While working on these spells, it wouldn't be a bad idea to improve some of the lower leveled spells at the same time (like Bless, Super Strength, Detect Invisibility, Free Action, and Magic Shield). Once you are ready, but fifth level. Armor of Gort and Resist Magic will easily eat up any blue dragon scales you have saved and Killing Fields will take the rest of your orc teeth so I would say get 5th level as high as you can and move on to either Shal'ille or Qor (whichever you're doing).

Shal'ille 1st level Improve Breath of Life, Holy Symbol and Minor Heal until you are able to buy second level.

Qor 1st level Improve Darkness, Detect Good and Unholy Resolve until you can buy second level.

Shal'ille 2nd level Holy Touch will improve awesome off of undead. This spoell will easily get to 99% in no time. Remove Curse and Resist Acid would be my choice to improve to get to 3rd level (remember, you will have to do the disciple quest at this time).

Qor 2nd level Acid Touch will go all the way to 99% off Trees. You will want to keep killing trees in order to farm entroot berries. I would also improve Karahols Curse and Fade (or Unholy Weapon if you have no dark angel feathers). You will need to do the Qor disciple quest in order to buy third level.

Shal'ille 3rd level Holy Resolve, Rescue and Spirit Hammer are the best bets here for getting to fourth level (Spirit Hammer may take a little longer but it will come in handy later on when you fight in Brax).

Qor 3rd level Enfeeble, Poison Fog, and Vampiric Drain will be best for getting to fourth level. Poison Fog will be a little difficult because of entroot berries but it improves decently. You may have to move out to the Island in order to improve Vampiric Drain. You may also want to use a Rose if you have one so your softcaps go up to 90%.

Shal'ille 4th level Dazzle, Purify, and Qorbane probably improve the best in 4th level ... though Truce may be a spell you want to improve. Getting these spells into the high 80%'s may take a while but they are needed to get to 5th level.

Qor 4th level Hold, Shal'ille Bane, and Splash of Acid improve the best in 4th level but Splash of Acid seems to improve slow at this stage. Stick with it and it will improve.

Shal'ille 5th level The only spells I would work on is Purge and Major Heal, the rest of the 5th level spells aren't really that useful for pvp (though Final Rites may come in handy for future building). This will be it for Shal'ille (other than polishing off some lower level spells). You will want to move on to finish Weaponcraft at this point.

Qor 5th level Blind, Death Link, and Invisibility are the obvious choices here. These spells should all be in the high 90%s before buying gaze of the Basilisk.

Qor 6th level The spell simply improves slow no matter what the case. Expect one improve every eight to twenty casts. Get this spell to 50% or better and it will last a good while. It's great at high percentages so if you can wait it out and have the time and cash, the higher it is the better.


Notes: It will be required to farm reagents for these schools so don't have any misconceptions about farming and building spells at the same time. You will more than likely have to switch between Duke, Jonas, and even Princess many times while doing this. Qor relies heavily on entroot berries and purple mushrooms so keep that in mind while building. Shal'ille will take several thousand emeralds and quite a number of purple (when doing Purge) mushrooms, so keep those stocked.

Finishing Weaponcraft Once your karma school is finished you will want to complete the build by finishing Weaponcraft to 5th level. Do the scimitar quest and buy scimitar wielding and the rest of fourth level. It will take you some time to max these (especially parry) but with a little grit you can do it. I would fight on the island at this stage and kill dragonflies and avars. You may even be able to make a little cash here and there.

Fire will more than likely be best to do last (along with Second Wind) because it will take you the longest to do. Get a practice bow and some arrows and just sit outside the bowers hut and get Fire to 99 while trying to imp Second Wind at the same time. Once Fire gets to 99%, go buy Archery and do the same thing. You may even want to go to the Avar Village and try your hand at making a little bit of cash back because Fire and Archery will cost upwards of 200k-300k depending.

After Archery is maxed, you will want to max your hit points. This is not an easy task and will take incredible patience to complete.

101-115 hit points The Island is pretty much the sweet spot for this hp range. Avar warriors and dragonflies will be a sureshot for decent toughers. Sell pretty much everything you find here.

116-140 Brax is where it's at. Narthyl Worms will take you to 125 and Daemons will take you to 130. Save your BDS and DAFs to polish off those spells that need them. Once you hit 130, it's back to the Island to fight kriipas or stick in the caves to fight shadowbeasts (I perfer kriipas). Have no doubt that it will take you 3+ hours for each tougher on a good day, so be prepared for long periods of time between them.

Notes: End results, you will have a solid Weaponcraft, solid Kraanan, and solid Qor or Shal'ille character that can fight at the drop of a dime and survive most forms of attacks. Don't let it go to your head, you're not going to win every situation (no character ever does). You will be extemely useful in pvp, you will find tricks and strategies along the way so don't be afraid to let the character breathe and take chances. By experience, these characters are relatively easy to build and more importantly, easy to rebuild.

Additional comments: Things to keep and store while building: Blue Dragon Scales (Kraanan) Dark Angel Feathers (for Qor) Entroot Berries (for Qor and for Resist Acid in Shal'ille) Purple Mushrooms (for Kraanan, Qor, and Shal'ille) Orc Teeth (for Kraanan, Qor, and Shal'ille) Yrxl Sap (for Qor and Shal'ille) Most of the other reagents you will need are readily available or can be bought fairly cheap.

Building Process

After your character has reached 30 hit points, the easiest thing to do is to fight Fungus Beasts and Slimes out in the Sandy Shores of the Great Ocean outside of the Sewers of Barloque. You can also fight them on the screens The Great Ocean (don?t attack the Mollusk Creatures) and the Valley of Illeria (there are also ground worm larvae here to kill).

You may also want to try your hand at fighting Zombies and Skeletons in the Tos Graveyard. This proves more difficult unless you have someone who can cast Holy Weapon on your weapons. If you chose the warrior stats with Shal?ille option, Holy Touch rocks the undead here.

You will want to continue doing this until you gain 40 hit points. After that, you will want to join the Jonas faction. The Jonas faction will give you benefits in Weaponcraft (improving better and bonuses to damage).

You can start fighting Orcs now. A good place to do this is in the Icky Caves near Tos. Keep as manyOrc Teeth as you can find because you will need them when you start Kraanan. It would also be wise to save your Sapphires because Kraanan uses loads of them for reagents and they can get expensive if you try to buy from vendors.

The most likely place to fight after this is Castle Victoria. You should be able to get to around 65-70 hit points fighting there. You will also make quite a bit of cash by the reagents you sell coming from this place. Note ? The Shal?ille character will shine here because of the ability to Rescue to your home town (makes for a lot quicker runs from Castle Victoria). Again, save your Sapphires for Kraanan spells later.


You will more than likely be able to buy the 4th level Weaponcraft skill Scimitar Wielding from Quintor by this time. Get a friend, or offer payment to someone to help you with the Scimitar Quest/Yetti.

Once you get to the 70 hit point range, you're going to want to either buy a Nerudite Sword or two, or pay someone who can Enchant Weapon on a scimitar, axe, or hammer (whatever you're working on at this point). You will most likely spend a long time in Ukgoth fighting Trolls. Trolls will take you to around 90 hit points.

I usually stay with Trolls until I hit around 80-85 hit points then I move on to the Throne Room in Castle Victoria (watch out for the Ghost) where I fight Tusked Skeletons. These bad boys will take you all the way to 100 hit points. They drop scimitars, scale, inkies, arrows, etc. so you will never be ill-equipped while fighting here. Stay with Tusked Skeletons as long as you can. They will take most of your skills to 99% if you have the patience.

Another option would be to fight Lupoggs (which also take you to 100 hit points) in Jasper or Barloque sewers. They are harder to kill and drop decent loot (including plate) but are not as abundant as Tusked Skeletons.

At this point, you should think about taking a trip out to the Island. Stock up on Bless reagents and inkies. Take with you a few sets of gaunts, a couple of knight shields and maybe a couple of helms. This should sustain your needs while fighting Dragonflies and Peet-Seeeep Avar Warriors. I recommend fighting out in Oigin of the Kriipa (OOK), it's a common hunting grounds for players. You should easily be able to make serious cash, gain hit points and improve your Weaponcraft skills here. You will be able to get to around 115-120 hit points fighting these guys.

This is about the time you will purchase Fire and Archery. Once you do, it will be very easy to buy arrows and practice the skills. They move very slow and take tons of arrows, but they both move up to 99% if you take the time to do it.



Tricks in improving spell percentages:

There are several.

1) Don't bother working your spells when your faction isn't in power. It's a waste of time, a waste of money, and a waste of patience.

2) When working personal enchanctments, see if you can't find a Shal'ille with purge to help you with this. If you want to go the extra yard, supply the purge regs! If this can't be managed, simply hang out in a high traffic area.

3) Touch spells are a cinch. Just cast them and pound away.

4) For all combat spells, find tough monsters. The stronger the monster, the more likely the spell will imp. Incredible results have been reported from chieftans and mollusks.

The following modifications to the spell improvement chance are in effect in the following zones. Boni are multiplicative, meaning that a 10% bonus multiplies your current chance to improve by 110%. Interestingly enough, room flags such as forest, lava, etc. only add to the spellpower of spells cast, not their chance to improve. As we see, there is no bonus improvement zone for Faren specifically. Anyways, here goes:

The Temple of Shal'ille
+10% to Shal'ille only

The Temple of Qor
+10% to Qor only

The Temple of Kraanan
+10% to Kraanan only

The Temple of Riija
+10% to Riija

Seafarer's Peak -90% for room enchants Up to +20% to all spells, but never more than a flat 10% added bonus, meaning that if you are at more than a 50% chance to improve already, you will only get the flat 10% bonus.

The Freelance Merchant and Menders Shop
+20% to Mend only

All rented rooms
-90% to all spells

A spring of vitality

The Dreaded Caves of Ice
-90% to room enchants

Origin of the Kriipa
-90% to weapon skills

The crypt in Marion
-90% to Discord only


Building Kraanan

I spent less than 90k from level 1 to level 4 and got most PvP spells to 80% and the other spells I improved here and there. 4th level gave me more difficulties because of the seemingly reduced improve rates of Mana Bomb and Discordance. I spent nearly 150k getting these spells to 80%, plus I farmed orc teeth for Mend which also went to 80% by mending torches in the mendor�s shop of Tos. I bought a total of 700 BDS before hand which cost approximately 170k, so I was able to get AoG and Resist Magic to 80%. I also cranked out Killing Fields to 80% but that was much easier and cheaper to do. I forgot that I only took a 30 intellect, so I had to decide weather I would but 6th level Kraanan or 6th level Weaponcraft later on. I decided to go with 6th level Weaponcraft. So Kraanan was done and it took me 2 weeks of solid dedication to the character to finish and spent right around 400k � however, he is decent with all PvP orientated spells and pretty good at most of the others.

Building Weaponcraft

This is pretty straight forward here. I built as fast as I could and only got the bare minimums to achieve the next level. In the process I maxed out all the PvP useful skills up to 4th level. I worked on archery until I could buy disarm. Incidentally, I did get my Fire to 99% but I left Archery at 70%. I dabbled with Disarm a bit and got it to 40%, but I got bored and decided to move on. Weaponcraft produced 126 hit points for this character and I made approximately 170k to further fund my building resources. I spent approximately 1 month doing Weaponcraft (give or take a few days).

Note � In the process of building Weaponcraft, I died twice. Once was to a pker (will go unnamed here) and once was to the ghost in the Throne Room. Both times, I got my Kraanan spells back up to 80% because I was bored with Weaponcraft � so I might have spent the money I made while doing my skills, I honestly don�t remember.

Building Qor

I farmed probably more than 1000 entroot berries in preparations for Qor. 1st and 2nd level ate them up very greedily but I brought every spell in 1st and 2nd level to 99% (with the help of a rose --- thanks to Akkasri). 3rd level was much easier, I bought teeth to max Enfeeble instead of farming. Vampiric Drain was a difficult spell to get to 99%, as was Poison Fog � both seemed to get harder after about 70%. I spent quite a bit of money trying to max these spells. Defile I got to 31% and abandoned due to boredom. On to 4th level � ugh! I bought all the spells except for Curse Weapon. Only spells I actually worked were Hold, Shali�llebane, and of course Splash of Acid. I spent tons of money here � probably in the neighborhood of 400k. I bought tons of DAFs at this stage. I would say I bought probably 600 or more and farmed at least 500. For 5th level, I only bought Blind, Deathlink, and Invisibility. I got each one of these spells to 99% and bought Gaze of the Basilisk. Getting to this point took me nearly 3 and a half weeks. Getting Gaze to 79% took me a week to do (and 79% is where it�s at right now). This is where the character is now.



Gita M59 Guide - Main Map


Gita M59 Guide - Icky Cave Path to Island


Gita M59 Guide - Island Map


Gita M59 Guide - Sewers Gita M59 Guide - Brax


Gita M59 Guide - Brax Levers


Gita M59 Guide - Original Map



Gita M59 Guide - Ancient Place Node


Gita M59 Guide - Avar Village Node


Gita M59 Guide - Avar Village Instructions


Gita M59 Guide - Badlands


Gita M59 Guide - Castle Victoria


Gita M59 Guide - CAves of Ice


Gita M59 Guide - Icky Cave


Gita M59 Guide - Icky Cave


Gita M59 Guide - Icky Cave


Gita M59 Guide - Icky Cave


Gita M59 Guide - Icky Cave


Gita M59 Guide - Icky Cave


Gita M59 Guide - Icky Cave


SO YOU want to murder innocent players huh? Any tips or tricks for player killers?

Player Killer Tools:

Robes of the Disciple: Used to increase potency of spells.

Jewel of Froz: Used to increase damage done by weapons and touch spells.

Berserker Ring: Used to increase damage done by weapons and touch spells.

Herald Shield: Used for slight armor bonus and to increase potency of spells.

Orc Shield: Used for very slight armor bonus and to increase potency of Qor spells.

Gauntlets: Offers very slight armor bonus and bonuses to hit targets.

Plate Armor: Single most effective piece of armor in the game.

Mana Circlet: Increases mana pool.

Bow: Used for ranged attacks.

Scrolls:Some scrolls can be used in combat very effectively. Scrolls like Earthquake, Killing Fields, and Dispel Illusion are just a few that I�ll mention.

Wands - Used in similar ways to the scrolls, Fireball and Hold wands are commonly Used.

Chalice Of Rain - Used to rescue you to your home town. Warning, this takes much longer than the actual spell Rescue.


Player Killer Schools

Most commonly, a player killer will have Qor, Faren, Riija, or Shal�ille to compliment Weaponcraft and Kraanan. It is rare to see �pure� mages try their hand a player killing, but it does happen.


Noteworthy spells:

Detect Evil, Holy Weapon, Resist Acid, Holy Resolve, Rescue, Dazzle, Purify, Qorbane, Truce, Major Heal, and Purge.


Noteworthy spells:

Touch of Flame, Heat, Shocking Fury, Spider Web, Winds, Blast of Fire, Fireball, Firewall, Explosive frost, Brittle, Earthquake, Lightning Bolt, Shatter, Sand Storm, and Lightning Wall.


Noteworthy spells:

Anonymity, Feign Death, Shadow Form, Eavesdrop, Forget, Illusionary Firewall, Vertigo, Dement, Denial, Artifice, Evil Twin, Morph, and Elusion.


Noteworthy spells:

Cloak, Darkness, Detect Good, Unholy Resolve, Acid Touch, Kara�hol�s Curse, Unholy Weapon, Defile, Enfeeble, Poison Fog, Silence, Animate, Curse Weapon, Hold, Shal�ille Bane, Splash of Acid, Blind, Invisibility, and Gaze of the Basilisk.



Always use Cloak if you have Qor. This spell will decrease the chances of others tracking your whereabouts. The spell is relatively cheap to cast and lasts a good while, even at lower percentages. This is one of the biggest downfalls that player killers run in to, once everyone knows where you are, usually there is no chance for you to go out again. I have always felt that having the freedom to roam the lands is best for killers, staying in one spot often ends up in the hunter�s favor.


Use Anonymity if you have Riija. This spell is also somewhat cheap to cast and lasts a fair amount of time even at lower percentages. Used in conjunction with Cloak, you will be less detectable and most will not know who is doing the killing. Although there are ways to counter this effect, it is often more useful than not. If you have Riija, you might also want to use Morph. Again, mobility is key, so if you�re a Riija master, using Elusion is your greatest ally.


Dazzle is arguably one of the best defensive spells in the game. You can Dazzle multiple targets and still continue to attack your intended subject. It�s a spell no Shal�ille player killer should ever be without. Also using Purge is one of the most effective ways to strip your opponent of any helpful enchantments they may have up and running. This puts them at a gross disadvantage, so you just Dazzle them and go to work. Rescue is also key in making your character mobile. Having a way to escape hunters is an absolute necessity.


With so many direct damage spells in this school, it hardly seems fair to have spells that resist along side them. Fortunately for Faren mages, they do. Faren also gets a poor man�s hold spell called Spider Web. You would not believe how many times this spell has indirectly caused the deaths of innocent players. By placing this outside a door and then throwing up a Firewall � Well you get what I mean anyway, it�s pure nastiness.

Dirty Tactics:

When a character is fighting a monster and is getting down in hit points (you can tell by the screams) you can do a number of different mean things to them. The first is obvious, just march up to them and simply whack them and hope they don�t log in time to live. Another way to do this is to lie in wait with invisibility until the character is emoting a near death scream and then give him a couple of splashes or slashes. You can also morph into some creature that is local to the screen and then surprise them that way. Bows are decent in this aspect, of course if you�re not proficient in fire and archery, it won�t do enough damage. I�ve seen Shal�ille player killers use purge/bow tactics to finish off low hit point characters.



Gita M59 Guide


Join A faction (YOU MUST HAVE AT LEAST 50 HP MINIMUM SERVER 105) that will give you bonuses See GRAPH ON FACTIONS BELOW:.

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Gita M59 Guide




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