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To be able to buy the level 3+ spells you'll need to finish a disciple quest for the priestess:
You say, "I want to be your disciple."
Priestess Tenuv'vyal tells you, "You wish the blessing of the land through our Lord Faren. You must prove that you are worthy of his blessings. Take this message to : "You have defiled the land with your ways. The land gives life, yet you treat it as the enemy to be conquered. You are fools, all, if you continue on this sacriligious path. Embrace nature, do not spurn it like a forgotten lover. Repent your ways. Follow the words of Faren. Live for nature, not in opposition to it." Return quick to notify me when you are done and perhaps Faren will favor you with power."
Now go to the mentioned NPC.
You say, "You have defiled the land with your ways. The land gives life, yet you treat it as the enemy to be conquered. You are fools, all, if you continue on this sacriligious path. Embrace nature, do not spurn it like a forgotten lover. Repent your ways. Follow the words of Faren. Live for nature, not in opposition to it."
Return to the priestess.
You say, "Hello."
Priestess Tenuv'vyal tells you, "The gaze of Faren is upon you. You have done well. Seek me when you would learn more of his ways and his spells."

               Taught primarily by Priestess Tenuv'vyal in The Badlands.

Level 1: 500sh each | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]
Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
1 elderberry Make it hard to see in a region.
Creates a cloud of fog that is often mistaken for poisonous fog.
Prevents other users slightly from casting summoning type spells.

1 elderberry
1 brown
Increases everyone's ability to see in one map.
Uses 5 mana
Magical illumination fills the area where the spell is cast.
Mystic Touch
1 Mushroom
1 brown
Draws upon the magic of Faren to transfer magical energy from caster to target. Gives your Mana to your target.

The Widow Qesino 1 mushroom Removes discarded items from the room. The wild winds of Faren sweep through the room carrying away discarded items.

1 blue mushroom 5-15 damage and twice the range.
Uses 5 mana
Channels natural electrical energy into a powerful charge transmitted with a touch.

[ Level 1 |
Level 2: 1000sh each | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description

3 browns
3 purples
Protects you from icy fingers.
-5 damage against icy fingers
Uses 9 mana
Infuses your body with the magical fire of Faren, reducing damage from cold attacks for several minutes.

1 purple
3 browns
Reduces everyone's aim in a given map by 20 or more
Uses 10 mana
Summons powerful winds which reduce the aim of all creatures in the room for several minutes.
SpellBrambleWall.gif (13322 bytes)
Bramble Wall
Miriana 1 kriipa claw A nice way to block a door to a map.
Uses 10 mana
Creates a thicket of thorny, twisted bramble. Such a wall would be painful to pass, though it wouldn't much harm one who remained motionless.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 |
Level 3: 2000sh each | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description

1 entroot berry Decrease target's intellect.by 15
Uses 3 mana
ends the mind of the target reeling with dark, unholy thoughts driving making spell casting more difficult for several minutes.

Joguer 2 browns
1 red
Reduces hitpoints on anyone wearing armor other than leather
1-5 damage
Uses 8 mana
Fills the room with the earth magic of Faren, heating all armor to a primordial molten state and searing the flesh of those who wear it.

Mana Only Requires sustained concentration in order to work for next cast.
2-3 times damage
Uses 1 mana
Focuses your magical energy, increasing the damage of fireball and lightning bolt. Dissipates if your concentration is broken.
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Spider Web
Tendrath 2 web moss If are are not a Qor mage, then this spells lets you have something that is very close it it. You can cast in a a given area of a map to trap and ambush an unwary player. The good thing about it compared to hold is that you won't turn orange if the person affected is not in view as it is cast.
Holds target for 3 seconds.  Uses 13 mana
The spider webs created by this spell may hamper the ability of those who stumble upon them to move.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Level 4: 4000sh each | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description

Blast of
1 elderberry
1 red mushroom
Releases Faren's anger as a blast of flame directed at a target at short range Boils the innards of the target with a fire

2 browns
1 purple
Causes a random item in the target's inventory to need an early mend.
Uses 6 mana
Ages the target's weapon by many years, making it frail and prone to breaking.

Maleval 2 red mushroom
1 elderberry
Creates a small explosion of frost which damages a target at short range Short Range Cold Magic Attack

1 red Ranged fire attack -- very effective against the Yeti.
1-10 damage
Uses 5 mana
Sends a ball of flames at the target.
spell_firewall.gif (5970 bytes)
Miriana 2 firesand
2 rainbow ferns
2 uncut seraphyms
Useful for defense so that attacker can be channeled to come at you a certain way.
5-25 damage
Uses 15 mana
Creates a wall of fire.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 |
Level 5: 8000sh each | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description

2 purples
2 reds
Attacks everyone in the room for 10-30 damage.
Uses 12 mana
Moves the earth violently causing damage to all beings in the room. The more experienced the caster, the better damage is directed to the target and away from the caster.

2 blues
1 orc tooth
Ranged attack that shocks target.
Uses 10 mana
Hurls a bolt of lightning at the target.

Miriana 3 Firesand
3 red mushrooms
Creates a ring of flames around the caster.
Creates a ring of flames around the caster.

2 orc teeth Obscures vision, lowers vigor, and slows movement.
Uses 14 mana
All the dust in the room is swept up into a swirling storm, making it harder and more strenuous to move and fight.

2 purples
2 blues
Breaks a random item in the target's inventory.
Uses 12 mana
The earth magic of Faren shatters one or more items in the inventory of the target.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 |
Level 6: 16000sh each ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
SpellLightningWall.gif (12148 bytes)
Lightning Wall
Tendrath 1 yrxl sap
1 herb
5-35 damage
Uses 20 mana
Creates a crackling barrier of electricity. One who entered such a field would certainly feel more then thunder.
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Spore Burst
Maleval 1 yrxl sap Holds everyone (including the caster who must be level 6 Qor also) in the current map for 10 seconds.
Uses 18 mana
Temporarily paralyzes everyone in the room, including the caster.