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Pupil quest

To be able to buy any songs off Parrin, you'll need to do a pupil quest:
You say, "I want to be your pupil"
Parrin Aragone tells you, "Are you truly ready to learn the magic of songs of Jala? If so you must prove your devotion to the arts. I would like you to try out your voice. Go to and sing a song. Any song you wish. Then come back to me and let me know how it went."
Do an emote by typing: "e sings." near the mentioned NPC.
tells you, "By my troth, that is awful. Did Parrin send thee? Tell him to train thy voice, "
Now return to Parrin.
You say, "Hello."
Parrin Aragone tells you, "Ah, you have returned. What did they think of your song? Good or bad?"
You say, "It has been bad."
Parrin Aragone tells you, "Oh well, we shall work on that. Now open your mind to the ways of Jala; I shall train your voice, if you are willing."

Jala is the bard's school of spells. Most of these spells take the form of songs that you play which affect all in the room. These spells can help you heal faster, regain mana, or even hinder the casting of spells. Some of the spells also help create potent magical items that duplicate spell effects. A high intellect is important for bards so that they can remember their songs better. The songs can help to regenerate mana / HP or stamina more quickly. You can fill potions and prevent spells in an area. To play the songs you need a lute (Lute, Fine Lute, True Lute), or even better a Jala collar (Necklace of Jala). Areas with water give spell bonuses to Jala and repeatedly singing the same song without singing another one in between also gives a bonus to that spell.

Jala holds the most powerful "counter" spells in Meridian:
Rijja: Truth    Faren: Civility    Kraanan: Concilation   
Shal'ille: Profane Resonance     Jala: Sacred Resonance    
All Spells: Spellbane
Favored Faction: Princess Kateriina
Primary Stat: Intellect

Taught primarily by Parrin

Jala, despite changes, is still a school for either the roleplayer or the support character. For those who desire to roleplay, the usefulness of the bard should be obvious. For those willing to run the support route, Jala's songs are effective tool in any fight, whether it be PvE or PvP.

Level 1: 500sh each | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]
Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
Cibilo Creek Inn
1 Diamond
1 Edible Mushroom
This song allows all listeners to regain vigor at an accelerated rate. This song only affects other players in the area, not yourself.

1 Sapphire This is a sad song, invoking feelings of loss and sorrow. It causes mostpeople hearing it to experience overwhemling sadness, often leading to foul moods. This music is appropriate for funerals and fighting against the forces of good.

1 Saphire This song makes people happy! It is a lively tune, which makes people feel as if they have a new start on life. The song causes some people to smile, often resulting in better moods. A good mood allows others to fight evil more effectively.

Parrin 1 Rainbow Fern
1 Ruby
This song hinders the spells of the master of the illusionary arts: Riija. Riija Spell Silence

D'Franco Is In Cor Noth at Cibilo Creek Inn. 10 on the Map.

[ Level 1 |
Level 2: 1000sh each | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description

1 Mushroom
1 Ruby
This song hinders the casting of the spells of the master of the elements, Faren. Faren spell silence. Quiet Mage.

Princess Katerina 1 elderberry
1 Ruby
This song hinders the casting of the spells the warrior god Kraanan the Fist. Kraanan Spell Silence. Time to use those muscles big boy.

Warp Time
Parrin None The words of this song form an enchantment which increases the time that a spellcaster must hold trance to cast a spell. Others must focus for a much longer time to cast spells or use abilities.

Duke Arkardius is located in his chambers in Tos.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 |
Level 3: 2000sh each | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Where to Buy Description

1 Ruby Allows the caster to distill their knowledge of a spell into liquid form. You will need 5x the amount of spell regencies for the spell you wish to distill. Not every spell can be distilled.

1 herb
1 ruby
The foreboding sound of this song hinders the casting the holy spells of Shal'ille. Silence the users of Shal'ille. Hope you know how to fight.

1 Diamond
5 herb
This song allows all listeners to regain health at an accelerated rate. Regains the health of people in the map.
Sacred Resonance
Sacred Resonance
1 entroot
1 Ruby
The music of this song hinders the casting of the dark spells of Qor. Qor Silence. Time to Log the pks.

Spell Bane
2 Polished Seraphim The words of this song form an enchantment which disallows the casting of any spells. Makes another player unable to use magical abilities.

Miriana is located at: The Hills, Off the beaten Path, The Twisted Wood, and North Quilicia Wood.

Maleval rotates between the following locations: Frisconar's Shop in Tos, "The Chambers of Duke Akardius" are also home to Maleval which are in "Blackstone Keep." It can be accessed via "The Courtyard of Blackstone Keep" from the Streets of Tos. Maleval can also be found in Marion, and he can also be found in The Temple of Jala.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Level 4: 4000sh each | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description

Parrin 1 Ruby The words of this song hinders the performance of other Jala songs. Jala Silence. Take that guitar somewhere else.

Maleval 1 Diamond This spell causes everyone in the room to break out into dance and is lots of fun at parties. Time to Dance till you drop.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 |
Level 5: 8000sh each | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description

Parrin 1 Polished Seraphym
The words of this song form an enchantment which increases the effectiveness of all spells cast. Increases the effectiveness of all spells.
Parrin 1 Diamond
1 uncut seraphym
This song allows all listeners to regain mana at an accelerated rate.   Gives everyone mana regeneration.

Wulfgang zax'Ak is located at: The Remote Trading Post of Wulfgang zax'Ak on The Island.

Yevitan resides at the local bank of Jasper.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 |
Level 6: 16000sh each ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
Crystalize Mana
Crystalize Mana
Esseldi 1 saphire
1 uncut seraphym
This song catches the mana expended in singing, crystalizing it into a physical form. The mana crystal stores the mana for later use, in essence allowing the singer to store extra mana.
Only one crystal at a time can be created by a singer, but the longer this song is sung, the more mana that is stored in the crystal. Since the mana is attuned to the singer, the crystal cannot be shared with others.

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