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Taught primarily by Alzahakar in the Hermut's Hut in the Twisted Wood and the Monk of Riija in the Riija Temple in the Jungle but also the assassin Roq.

Level 1: 500sh each | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 ]
Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
SpellAnonymity.gif (4198 bytes)
Monk of Riija 2 rainbow fern
1 fire sand
If you don't want people to see your name, then this spell is great. You won't get a revenant if PKed, but that never stopped PKers anyway. Makes you indistinct, and unrecognizable to all but those who you'd like to know its you. Note that Shal'ille can not punish transgressors against you when you are anonymous.

(None) Mana Only Everyone gets this spell automatically with a new character. Teleports you to a central location in the room.
SpellFeignDeath.gif (13238 bytes)
Feign Death
Monk of Riija 1 vials of solagh
1 rainbow fern
If you want to appear non-threatening, then what better way than to appear a corpse? However, the alert observer might wonder how a corpse can slide along the ground... Makes you appear to be deceased, that hopefully someone won't really make you as such.
SpellFlash.gif (4952 bytes)
Monk of Riija 2 dragonfly eye
rainbow fern
If you hope to break a mages concentration during a difficult cast such as enchant or umbrella, this is the spell to use. Otherwise, it is not that useful. Causes a bright flash, likely to interrupt the concentration of any spellcasters in the area.

Alzahazar 3 rainbow fern The next best thing to invisible. Transforms the spellcaster into a silhouette of his former self, perfect for skulking in darker locales.

[ Level 1 |
Level 2: 1000sh each | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
SpellBait.gif (3783 bytes)
Monk of Riija 1 firesand
1 webmoss
If you are tired of monsters leaving your practice area when anyone else enters the map, then cast this. Makes you mighty appetizing to nearby monsters.
Roq 1 dragonfly eye
Riija grants the ability to hear distant conversations, allowing you to spy on others. else enters the map, then cast this. Hear People nearby tells or otherwise.
SpellForeSight.gif (8246 bytes)
Monk of Riija 2 uncut seraphym If you want intelligence on a potential opponents abilities, then this spell is great. It lets you see six random skills of the target. It does not report percentages, but it does show percentage ranges (you can decipher the code pretty easily by casting it on a friend). Reveals the knowledge of the victim, informing you of their abilities.
SpellForget.gif (5074 bytes)
Monk of Riija 2 firesand
2 uncut seraphym
Randomly causes target to forget one skill/spell for quite a while.   This lasts for about 10 mins like all other diseases. Causes the victim to forget his own abilities.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 |
Level 3: 2000sh each | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
SpellIllusionaryFireWall.gif (8704 bytes)
Monk of Riija 2 firesand
3 rainbow fern
Make your opponent think that you are surrounded by FireWalls -- but only you know which is real. Creates an illusionary wall of fire.

Monk of Riija 2 web moss
3 rainbow fern
Same effect as drinking a brown potion. The touch of Riija shifts your shape to another at random.
SpellIllusionaryWounds.gif (5151 bytes)
Monk of Riija 1 Solagh and 1 fire sand Watch your screams while fighitng, because your health will be higher then it should be when someone has cast this spell on ya. Causes the victim to see imagined wounds, but imagination always gives in to one's right mind, assuming one lives long enough.
SpellReflection.gif (719 bytes)
Monk of Riija 2 firesand
2 rainbow fern
2 uncut seraphym
The danger of using this spell is that it may attack a friend -- so likely only strong PKers will use it.
2 damage
Summons a creature which mirrors your own appearance. Note that you are responsible for any of your reflections actions, and that they are notoriously hard to control.
SpellVertigo.gif (3772 bytes)
Monk of Riija 2 dragonfly eyes
2 vial of solagh
This is like a personal sandstorm. Whoever you cast it on will have trouble seeing. This spell causes the victim to become so ill that they can hardly stand, much less fight.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 |
Level 4: 4000sh each | Level 5 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
SpellApparition.gif (6547 bytes)
Monk of Riija 1 web moss
2 rainbow fern
Get some help in your attack from a monster. Summons an illusory creature to attack your enemies. The creature does good damage, but is easily banished.
Monk of Riija 1 vial of solaph
1 uncut seraphym
"Sends the mind of the target reeling with dark, bewildering thoughts, making spell casting more difficult for several minutes. Causes the caster to have a hard time focusing, making it difficult to cast a succesful spell. realize its a hoax, because the wounds are still just as deep.
SpellDenial.gif (3582 bytes)
Monk of Riija 2 Firesand
1 vial of solaph
You will die if your actual hitpoints are below zero when the spell wears out. Causes the caster to unrealize their wounds, but beware when you realize its a hoax, because the wounds are still just as deep.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 |
Level 5: 8000sh each ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
SpellArtifice.gif (8689 bytes)
Monk of Riija 3 firesand
3 uncut seraphym
I can't imagine why someone would want to cast this. Changes the appearance of an item, so that it appears to have powers and attributes that it truly lacks. This powerful enchantment takes a large investment of time, mana, vigor, not to mention a wealth of expensive reagents.
SpellEvilTwin.gif (5985 bytes)
Evil Twin
Lich Queen 3 web moss
3 vial of solagh
A good player would not want to cast this because it might turn them red or orange by attacking an innocent. A PKer would likely get no value from casting it either. Summons the darker side of the target, and will attack them. Note that you are responsible for any of your evil twins' actions, and that they are notoriously hard to control.
SpellMorph.gif (6913 bytes)
Monk of Riija 2 dragonfly eye
3 web moss
When you cast this, it is like quaffing a brown potion except that you still show up as a blue dot on the map and you can't equip yourself with anything (or be wearing armor). However, you can cast spells (which for many strong mages is enough for the kill). Your tells and says appear to come from the monster whose image you have assumed which is kinda cool. The touch of Riija shifts you into another beast!

[ Level 1 | Level 2 |
Level 3: 2000sh each | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Spell Teacher Reagents Effects Description
Monk of Riija 2 dragonfly eye
3 web moss
Allows the caster to elude trouble and escape off to another location. A number of destinations may be available, and the caster must call out the name of the location he wishes to travel to. Enables you to teleport to well known places within the world. On higher skills, when you're in a guild owning a guild hall, you may also be able to teleport to their entrances. Simply do that by saying the name of the area you want to teleport to.