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Weaponcraft - Level 3+ Disciple - Scimitar Wielding Quest
You say, "scimitar wielding"
Quintor says, "I can teach you scimitar wielding, but first you must prove your worth as a pupil."
You say, "pupil"
Quintor tells you, "So you are a warrior? Ha! Don't look like much of a warrior to me. Before I will spend my time teaching you the valuable ways of the scimitar, you must prove yourself by slaying a cave orc. Do this and return to me. "
Enter the orc caves. You will need a Kraanan Mage to cast Dispell Illusion, or a scroll that will do the same. Now, Kill a cave orc!
You killed the cave orc.
Return to Quintor.
You say, "pupil"
Quintor tells you, "That took long enough. I do not like to be kept waiting so long. With this extra time I have decided that you must slay a yeti now. This time do not waste so many strokes with that...weapon. Go now."
Enter the Dreaded Caves of Ice and kill a Yeti. If you're not strong enough, you should consider soliciting the help of a Shal'ille mage to heal you, or someone who is strong enough to get the Yeti weak and near death for you.
You killed the yeti.
Return to Quintor.
You say, "pupil"
Quintor tells you, "You again! I thought the underworld had taken you. What was it that I asked of you? Oh yes, you were to slay a yeti. Go do that and I will teach you. No arguing now. Go now or we shall both grow old and die before you can learn the majesty of the scimitar. Slay another yeti."
Enter the Dreaded Caves of Ice and kill another Yeti.
You killed the yeti.
Return to Quintor.
You say, "pupil"
Quintor tells you, "Finally. The first thing I must teach you is to snap to it. Come to me and we shall begin to learn how to effectively use the greatest weapon in the land: the scimitar."
Purchase Scimitar Wielding!

Taught primarily by Rook in the WeaponMaster's Abode in Cor Noth.

This school is a must if you want to fight any creature in the game and plan on having guild wars, player vs. player fighting etc. No reagents, no mana, just might and skills in the various weaponry, unless you just love spells this is the school to start with. Even mages will have some weaponcraft skills. This school is simply a must for everyone but true roleplayers.

[ Level 1: 500sh each | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]
Skill Teacher Effects Description
spell_block.gif (1150 bytes)
Jonas D'Accor Basic
Block is a basic skill, allowing people in combat to block blows with a shield. A successfully blocked blow will be more damaging to the attacking weapon and to the defending shield.
Mace Fighting
Rook Basic
Allows one to become more proficient at Meridian's most common weapon.

Rook Basic
This is the most basic hand-to-hand combat move. Can be very strong for a powerful warrior, but is extremely tiring.

Rook Basic
Slash is the most common weapon stroke.

Jonas is located in Jasper.

[ Level 1 |
Level 2: 1000sh each | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Skill Teacher Effects Description

Rook Advanced Punch This allows the combatant to fight better unarmed.

Rook Basic Skill Dodge is a basic skill, allowing people to avoid combat attacks.

Short Sword
Rook Mastery with Short Swords. Allows added proficiency with short swords.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3: 3000each | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Skill Teacher Effects Description

Rook Allows the user to become more efficient with any axe. Axe Mastery.

Rook Increases skill with the long blade weapons.
Mystic swords, Long Swords, Nerudite Swords and Scimitars all will benefit here.

Rook This allows the user to use all manner of hammers more proficiently. Hammer Mastery.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4: 4000sh each | Level 5 | Level 6 ]

Skill Teacher Effects Description
SkillFire.gif (2026 bytes)
Khotal ko�Tulca Improved Bowcasting
1-15 damage
Increases your effectiveness with a bow.

Rook Advanced Dodge Parrying allows people with a weapon to turn aside a blow, thus avoiding being hit.

Quintor Allows for growth and strength in Meridian's most exotic weapon. Scimitar Mastery is based off Agility.

Drechx Second wind will give a mighty adventurer the vigor to do strenuous activity even when exhausted.
You need at least 85 hit points to be able to buy this skill off Drechx.
When near exhaustion, this skill will give a boost to vigor. It is useless to rest or eat food to regain stamina for a while after gaining a second wind.

Khotal ko�Tulca is on the Island. Look at the Map and Travel To Location 6: Hall of the Heroes.
Once Inside, Travel To the hallway immediately to the West (left). He will be in the zone Hall of Heroes: West.

Quintor is located in the town of Jasper. Look at the Map and Travel To Location 6: Quintor's Smithy.
Once Inside, Talk to Quintor To do the scimimar quest.

Drechx is outside Castle Victoria. You must have 85 HP to buy second wind from Drechx.
Be Careful Not to miss the jump on the way to Castle Victoria.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 |
Level 5: 8000sh each | Level 6 ]

Skill Teacher Effects Description
SkillArchery.gif (2344 bytes)
Khotal ko�Tulca Advanced Bowcasting
1-25 damage
Greatly increases your effectiveness with a bow.
Johlan Tulca
The Arena of Death in Tos
Allows a daring warrior to cleave their way through hordes of enemies.
Must Actively use ability to use the area of effect skill that hits multiple enemies in one attack.

Johlan Tulca is in The Arena of Death in Tos which is under the Main Arena of the Tos East Gate.
Before you can acquire the Cleave Spell. You must defeat the Rat King Quest.

Rat King Quest: Watch the Video.

[ Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6: 12000sh each ]

Skill Teacher Effects Description
Cylill A technique that allows a warrior to strike at his or her opponent's weapon.
Often successful use of this skill will put the opponent at a disadvantage, and occasionally throw the weapon from an opponent's grasp.

Cylill is located at: Source of the River Ille.
The Source of the River Ille is directly west of the Main Gate of Barloque.

                                                                                                      Source of the River Ille                                                                                              Outskirts of Barloque

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